Call: 0333 241 4298


We are continuing to run clinics in locations where we feel these can conducted in a COVID secure environment. This is to protect you as well as our frontline doctors.

All our partners are working hard to ensure a safer working environment so more locations will open in due course.

Please keep an eye on our online calendar to see a list of updated clinics that we are running. Any locations that are available to book are operating safely.

Following the outbreak of the Coronavirus (COVID-19), we are continuing to run clinics in a safe environment.

We are continuing to follow and monitor official guidance from the UK Government and Public Health England carefully. It is of vital importance for us to be in a position to ensure that any and all procedures are in place to support the health and well-being of our doctors and customers. Therefore it is vital to adhere to the following guidelines:

> If you have travelled to/from any of the destinations it is advised to stay indoors and avoid contact with other people immediately.
> Stay at home if you have Coronavirus symptoms (High temperature, new continuous cough) Symptoms Guidance

If you fall into the above categories it is important you do not attend the clinic and follow the guidelines set out by the NHS which can be seen here.

We remain committed to offering you flexible booking options. Given these unique circumstances we are making additional adjustments to our individual booking policies to give you extra peace of mind. Therefore, the following will apply measures apply to customers affected by COVID-19

+ Existing Bookings – all bookings that are scheduled before December 31, 2021 can be rescheduled at no extra charge.

+ New Bookings – any booking made between today and December 31, 2021 for any future dates can be changed at no extra charge.

Steps you can take to protect yourself

* Keep thoroughly washing your hands especially before attending clinics
* Follow a healthy fresh real food diet, stay hydrated, and exercise
* Ensure you have enough medication
* Wipe down public and shared surfaces with disinfectant

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For more information please see